
Early treatment can help prevent children from falling behind developmentally, academically, and socially according to
the American Speech-Language Hearing Association (ASHA)


A speech screening allows potential speech deficits to be identified. Screening results help determine if a comprehensive evaluation is needed. After the screening is completed, the speech-language pathologist will give you results and provide recommendations.


A comprehensive speech-language evaluation takes about an hour and includes administering standardized test(s) and completing therapist observations. Parents receive an evaluation report summarizing the formal assessment results, therapist observations, background information, and recommendations. The speech-language pathologist will review and discuss the summary of the findings with parents.

Even though a pediatrician may recommend an evaluation for your child, a referral is not needed for testing or therapy services to be provided. 

Your child may not need an evaluation to begin speech therapy if they have been evaluated within the past 12 months.


Convenient in-home therapy is provided for your child and will incorporate their interests to provide greater gains. Therapy sessions are typically 1-hour. The last 15-minutes is set aside for SLP-parent collaboration. This quick check-in at the end of the session allows us to keep an open dialogue and strive to achieve goals together. This close partnership is what benefits your child the most. Therapy is research driven and outcome-focused. When appropriate, home practice activities are provided to support carryover and quicker progress.

Depending on the severity of the deficits, therapy is usually recommended for 1 to 2 sessions per week.

The scope and duration of therapy will be discussed during the initial visit.

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